
Hiromi Gut and Sinzo Aanza

 Swiss Citizen and Congolese Citizen in Zurich (CH)

BA B. A. + Vocal Solo and Author + Visual Artist

The Uninterrupted Song for the City” : Live performance of recordings from the archives of the   Museum Rietberg and  Royal Museum for Central Africa Tervuren from Kongo-Kinshasa to Kongo-Square in New Orleans and their re-composition by artificial intelligence

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Yesh (Tenzin Yeshe Gyaltag)

Swiss Citizen in Bonstetten (CH)


Herzsprung” (WT): Debut release with fusion of Pop-, Soul- and electronic with traditional Tibetan music based on her family history

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Zürcher Barokorchester

Renate Steinmann, Monika Baer and Lara Stanic

Swiss Citizens in Zurich (CH)

Baroque Violinists and Composer

 for the commissioned composition by Lara Stanic as part of the concerts “Du Matin au Soir



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(update: 3rd of March 2023)